Press Area


July 2024 Press Review

The July 2024 Press Review is available for consultation here and in the press area section of Alexala

To Be Continued


June 2024 Press review

The updated version of the press review for June 2024 is attached and in the press Section of Alexala for consultation.

To Be Continued


Lo sapevi che?

Did you know that the diversified geographical shape of the province of Alessandria allows for numerous local productions which give way to a highly variegated cuisine, with culinary variations in the …

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Choose the province of Alessandria for your day trip and come and enjoy our dishes amid culture and nature

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The area of Alessandria is packed with events and will welcome you at any time of the year

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Rassegna Stampa Maggio 2024

La rassegna stampa del mese di Maggio 2024 è consultabile in allegato

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Did you know that?

Did you know that this is the fourth time the Giro d'Italia starts in Piedmont?

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Proposte turistiche

Scopri le numerose proposte turistiche del nostro territorio

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Did you know that?

Small local curiosities. Our antiques markets.

To Be Continued


November Press Review 2023

The November press review can be consulted by downloading the document attached. Enjoy the read and see you in January.

To Be Continued